Faith Groups

On this page you’ll find information on the services we can offer your group – such as Tuck Shops and sales. If you’d like to learn more about the talks and workshops or other education related aspects of the work we do, visit our Education pages.

We work hard to make it easy for your faith group to become Fair Trade.

Your faith group can support Renfrewshire’s status as a Fairtrade Zone
Fair Trade is committed to improving the lives of millions of people who live in poverty in developing countries. Renfrewshire council, organisations and volunteers worked hard together to achieve a Fairtrade Zone status for Renfrewshire, awarded in 2009.  More recently a much larger campaign helped the Scottish Fair Trade achieve Fair Trade Nation status in 2013.

We need your support to work together as a community to make this happen. By promoting Fair Trade you will be contributing to the campaign and being in solidarity with people in developing countries.

We can come to your place of worship to give a talk to the congregation or to other groups such as a Guild group etc.

Rice Challenge
This is an initiative whereby if 90 kg of rice is sold it would give the farmer sufficient income to send a child to High School for a year. This is something that the whole congregation can be involved in and get behind! 90 kg is the challenge but smaller quantities can be taken if you feel that 90 kg would be too big a risk. Again the rice would be bought on account on a 30 day payment policy.

You can find more resources and information that may be of use to you and your faith group in our Education pages.